Thursday, April 2, 2015


What were you doing one year ago? Were you living in the same house? Were you working at the same job? Hanging out with the same friends? Keeping to your same eat, sleep, gym, and work schedule?

If you would have asked me these questions two years ago, my answer to most of them would be yes. There was always "nothing new with me." At least nothing major. I got married, that's huge, but besides that my day-in-day-out routine was pretty much the same. Same house, same job, same friends, same schedule, but in the last year and a half it seems like the only constant in my life has been change.

Having a kid means a lot of change and I'm not just talking about my sleep schedule. I can't even count the stages we've gone through in this very short amount of time. As soon as you think you have figured that little human out, they're changing again.

We have gone from no bleeping sleep to four hours of sleep to no sleep again and now to ten hours of sleep. We've gone from Huggies to Pampers to Pull Ups to big girl undies. From her loving avocados to only eating guacamole and then to hating both. We have gone from Baby First to Disney Junior. Baby fuzz to long curly locks. The list goes on and on.

In our home, we welcome the change. We encourage our daughter to learn and grow. I know it's annoying when people brag, but I'm going to do it anyways. Birdie is and always has been a little ahead of the curve with her milestones. My husband and I work hard to try to instill the things we feel are important. As much as I bleeping hate the shots, the tears and the screams at her doctor appointments, I love hearing her progress and hearing him tell us how bleeping smart she is. I always leave those appointments feeling really proud of her, and also really proud of my husband and myself. We're bleeping doing it, we're raising a little human and she's smart and silly and cute as hell.

Our biggest change right now is potty training. On her first day trying she was peeing in the potty and by day two she was already pooping in it. Before going to bed on her first day of training I remember feeling so proud of her, but just seconds later I was in tears. It never fails that at the same time of these feelings of pride or when she succeeds at something new, a little, tiny piece of my heart breaks. My baby isn't a baby anymore. She's getting so bleeping big. She's never going to be this little again. Not in a minute, not tomorrow, not in a year. In this moment, right now, it is the smallest she will be for the rest of her life.

I know we have so much more change to come and I look forward to it all, but I think a small piece of me will always dread the change in her. It will always mean she's growing. Ever since I was pregnant I had people tell me how quickly time flies and it's so very true. The change is constant, so snuggle those tiny babies while they let you, "Momoms" and "Dadads", because before you know it they're climbing up everything, peeing in potties, singing with Frozen and dancing to Bruno Mars!

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